Wild at Heart Raptor Sanctuary
Wild at Heart Raptor Sanctuary
As they survey the skies from above, the birds of Scottsdale, Arizona always have someone looking out for them from down below. In the early ’90s, Sam and Bob Fox founded Wild At Heart, a rehabilitation center for birds of prey. Every year, as many as 600 birds come through their facility, most of them orphaned or injured. Common emergency situations Sam and Bob have to deal with are birds who’ve been electrocuted, poisoned, shot, and hit by cars. Raptors aren’t the easiest animals to read, but Sam and Bob have a special way of handling the birds while remaining calm that seems to work wonders. Their commitment to the birds is never-ending, with their phone lines open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, just in case a call comes in about a bird in need. It’s a costly endeavor, and they rely mostly on small donations to stay afloat. Their public service is critical to the welfare of local bird populations, and while people might not realize how much Sam and Bob mean to the neighborhood, the animals definitely do. To donate and learn more about the birds at Wild At Heart, visit wildatheartraptors.org. FB: Wild At Heart – An Arizona-based raptor rescue organization . . . #WildAtHeartraptors #samfox #bobfox #raptorsrescue #falcons #eagles #hawks #burrowingowls #spectacledowls #greathornedowls #barnowls #redtailedhawks #osprey #peregrinefalcon #birdsofprey #arizonaowls #scottsdale #Animalsanctuaries #animalsanctuary #sanctuary #animalrescue, #animalrights #animalwelfare #PETA #animalcruelty #animalliberation #animalabuse #animalconservation